At Hawkeye we don't want you to like your time at camp...WE WANT YOU TO LOVE IT! It’s one of our goals and should be one of yours too. Create memories that will get you through the school year and remain with you your entire life. Many of our campers and staff come back summer after summer to pick up where they left off - to laugh more, dance more, and be the greatest versions of themselves. You will experience the magic of how camp makes you feel and who it helps you become in the first few days of camp.
We welcome you to camp exactly who you are. Hawkeye wouldn’t be Hawkeye if it weren’t for the unique individuals who bravely share who they are with the community. We don’t expect it to happen overnight but we do create a space where you can share anything and people are there to listen. It’s through shared vulnerability that we are able to create meaningful relationships with others and grow. There are no two people exactly alike and we want to celebrate what is special about you.

Love to build things, paint, be creative, or act? Love to run outside, swim, and play sports? Love both? The activities at camp are great and the people are even better. Many of our counselors were campers just like you. They are AWESOME, fun, and know all the best stuff like the best hiding spots for Special Activity Eggs and the lyrics to all the camp songs. They will teach you the best brain teasers you can play with friends when you get home. Let your guard down, don’t worry about posting to social media, play and learn to live in the moment and soak up all that it has to offer.
John C. Maxwell asks: “when was the last time you did something for the first time?" At Hawkeye, we provide you that opportunity. Do things you've never done before. Summit a mountain, learn to swim, sleep under the stars in a tent, make a campfire, and learn what life is like in another part of the country or world. Wake up before sunrise to greet the world with a cup of hot chocolate, your best friends and a full heart. Discover you are capable of much more than you imagine.