Being part of Camp Hawkeye doesn't end when you leave camp on the last day of your session. Our commitments to each other and to the community we've formed at camp last all year through. By Connecting, Communicating and Supporting each other, we remain the Hawkeye Community and continue to build those friendships kindled at camp into roaring fires.
Hawkeye friendships don't hibernate for the winter! Garrett says, "Jess, August, Huxley and I try and lead the way here by visiting families in the off-season, watching plays and recitals, cheering at games and celebrating special events. We encourage you to invite us for some fun and connecting, and be open to the invites of others in the Hawkeye community."
Of course, online connections are a big part of how we stay in touch throughout the year, too. Jess says, "we try and share information about camp, our family, and what's going on with other community members on our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts. We hope you join us on social media to stay connected with families and friends from the summer!"

At camp, there are those moments where we share that bit of ourselves, unexpectedly and unabashedly. We let people in by making ourselves vulnerable and talking about those things that really matter. Hiking up a mountain and chatting on the way, sitting on your bed during Reading Period, relaxing on the beach or working side-by-side in the garden, we share.
During the off-season, we encourage you to share too! Share the good & the bad. Shout from the rooftops (maybe not literally, ok?) when you are doing something good or see someone else doing something good. We know you are great and we want to let everyone else know too! And when someone is not doing well, we want to know that also in order to help in whatever way they need and however we can.

In addition to connecting and communicating, at Hawkeye we offer support to each other and expect support from each other. The give and take of community means we both benefit from and hold responsibility for having someone there for you and to be there for them too.
The benefits of community include the things we talk about in our Welcome Campfires: someone there to help when you need it, pick you up when you're down, be there to listen or give you a push, and someone to share your happiness and joys. We each have responsibilities, too: to be that person to listen, offer assistance, pick someone else up on their worst day, and enjoy life with them when they are happy.
These things can be as simple as posting a supportive comment on Facebook or offering up help or to chat. They could include helping with something or someone you know; making a connection or explaining something complex. They could be more involved too...showing up unexpectedly to see them win a game, to deliver flowers, or to just give a much needed side-hug.